Board of Directors

Co-founder, Elder Samuel Saul

Elder Samuel Saul has been participating in and teaching the traditional art form of drum-making for many years. He was born on the Simpcw First Nation Reserve near Barriere BC. In 1989 while living in Vancouver, Sam began to teach drum-making classes at the Native Education Centre.  Over a twelve year time period he taught many students this traditional art form.  During that time he often was asked to provide drum and rattle-making demonstrations and workshops for elementary and high school students as well as the community in Vancouver. In 2009 Sam returned to live in Simpcw and continued the tradition of drum and rattle-making. Over the years he took on apprentices and provided demonstrations to children at the school and to anyone who was interested and willing to learn. Sam is one of the founding members of the North Thompson Aboriginal Cultural Centre Society and was our guiding Elder since the beginning. He has provided drum and rattle making workshops to children, youth and the community at the Centre over the years. He has been commissioned by schools, organizations and individuals to create hand drums, rattles, pow wow drums, shields, stick games and other traditional crafts and makes his work available for purchase through the Gift Shop at the North Thompson Cultural Centre and other locations. He had worked with several visual artists over the years who hand-paint designs for his drums and rattles.  We will never forget the true and traditional teachings Sam shared with us, He has been and always will be a Huge part of the Cultural Centre. We will always remember Sam, and continue to honor him. 



Vice Chair: 







Cheryl Thomas:

Cheryl has been working with agencies and individuals to bring the issue of the indigenous voice forward at the local NT Valley level for several years. Cheryl has been a supporting member of the Indigenous Food systems network since it’s inception in connection with the BC Food Systems Network.

She was been a member of the group (The NT Aboriginal Cultural Centre)  that hosted the beginning of the Salmon Caravan down Hwy 5 in 2015, in Clearwater, BC 

Cheryl is a member of the Yellowhead Community Services round table on Foodie issues since it’s inception in 2015.  At this table she represents her local Communities Foundation and often the Aboriginal Cultural Centre’s voices.

Cheryl also uses her position as a Granny Grandpa Connection Circle facilitator to introduce the concept of ‘we are all one’ to pre-schooler’s and their parent/educators in the NT valley through stories and song. 

Each year she also participates in the Indigenous Feast for the families and educators of the local school children in the elementary and high school in Clearwater, as well as offering ‘teachings’ at the Cultural Awareness day lead by the elementary youth support worker of Raft River School.




Director: Marilyn Thompson

Marilyn Thompson is from Mistawasis Sask. Cree Nation. Marilyn moved to Clearwater in 1957. Marilyn has 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Marilyn has worked for school district 73 since 1990. Marilyn has been involved in many volunteer organizations over the years. She enjoys making crafts and knitting & crocheting.



